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"Welcome to Sanetta Outlet in Soltau. Whether underwear, nightwear, bathrobes or outerwear - the Sanetta Outlet offers a wide selection for children from birth to teenage age.  
As a family-run business in its third generation, Sanetta has set itself the task of making clothing for the most interesting but also the most vulnerable people in the world. This all began in 1957 and today Sanetta is the market leader in children's underwear and one of the most important manufacturers of children's clothing. Besides all this knowledge, there is a lot of heart and soul involved. It's not just about the attitude towards the environment, employees, customers and partners, but also about the demand for quality and attention to detail.  

At Sanetta Outlet in Soltau you will find children's fashion from the following brands:  

Casual, natural, fun-loving and high quality. Sanetta lingerie is cuddly and pleasant, natural and made of the same fabric that you long for again as an adult. Sanetta lingerie gives pure joie de vivre because it is indestructible and uncomplicated - and that's how it feels. Sanetta underwear is available in sizes 56-188.  

Pure and premium - these attributes describe the baby collection in sizes 56-86. outerwear from Sanetta fiftyseven stands for high-quality, classic designs, loving details and cuddly soft basic qualities. For the most part, these are Made in Europe as well as processed with organic cotton.  

Cheeky, casual, self-confident - outerwear from Eat Ants in sizes 56-140 is just the thing for pithy boys and casual girls. They have a mind of their own and know exactly what they want: to be cool while looking great. No problem with Eat Ants, because these garments are up to any mood and will pass any endurance test of their wearers. 

CAMP DAVID next generation 
Sporty, stylish, cool - that's what CAMP DAVID next generation stands for. In the collection for young men, authentic styles with elaborate patches and embroideries are complemented by basics. It stands for attention to detail, passion and high quality.  Come by and convince yourself of the first-class quality of the detail-loving favourite pieces - the Sanetta Outlet Team is looking forward to your visit! 

The SANETTA Outlet Team Soltau is looking forward to your visit.



Designer Outlet Soltau
Geschäft 39
Rahrsberg 7
29614 Soltau

+49 (0) 5191-978 49 04